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1.800.344.9540 (Toll Free - USA / Canada)
1.847.897.5120 ( Local )



Plan Administrator : VIP Universal Medical Insurance Group
Claims Administrator : Epic Health Solutions

VUMI Travel Plans

VUMI Travel VIP Single Trip and Annual Trip Options
Comprehensive Coverage plan with Pre-existing Condition Coverage
  • Choose the days you are traveling and get full medical coverage for one single round trip.
  • Easily extend your coverage as many times as needed up to a maximum of 365 consecutive days
  • Policy Maximums: $500,000 or $5,000,000 based on age
  • Deductible & Co-Insurance: 100% UCR (Usual, Customary & Reasonable)
  • Coverage Period: 5 days up to 12 months
  • Age Limit: Up to age 80
  • Pre-Existing Condition: Yes, (Covered, up to age 80)